Wednesday, August 24, 2005
Carpeting Installed

Carpet installation began yesterday. The random pattern certainly starts to bring the area together. If all goes well, carpet installation will be complete by the end of this week.
Thursday, August 18, 2005
Furniture Arrives - Part I

Study tables and chairs arrived today. They're stacked right now, waiting for the flooring to be installed early next week. Check out the cool tabletop colors!
New Book Drop Installed

Yesterday a new book drop was installed under the overhang on the river entrance to the library. The drop is the culmination of years of planning. This adds another location, in addition to the drop at the library entrance near Davies, where you can return your library materials. The drop is open 24/7.
Monday, August 15, 2005
Flooring removed (and Installed)

Today the vinyl flooring in the new vending machine area was installed and existing carpet and tile were removed from other areas of the floor.
Lower Level Library Plans Finalized
The plans for the new IMC and the complete Lower Level of the library have been finalized. You can view them at
IMC Construction Underway

Construction of the new IMC area on the lower level began on May 23rd. This move involved condensing of the Storage collection already housed there. Jan Bogstad, Diana Germain and others have been busily weeding the collection to make room for IMC materials. The IMC collection itself was heavily and weeded and updated by Education Librarian Becky Wojahn in anticipation of the move.
Welcome to the McIntyre Library Construction Blog
Welcome to the new McIntyre Library Construction blog. We have a number of projects coming up in the next few years which we want to update you on. These moves will make the library more accesible and result in better service for students, faculty and staff alike. These include:
- Move of IMC from Second Floor to Lower Level
- Replacement of Sprinkler System throughout the library
- Move of Library Instruction Lab (LILL) from Second Floor to the First Floor
- Move or Special Collections from the Old Library to the library's Fifth Floor
Make this your new destination to find out the latest on construction updates and collection moves.