Wednesday, December 21, 2005


Oversize Move Complete

All materials with the location Oversize are now on the Lower Level.

Tuesday, December 20, 2005


Sprinkler Project Completion Date - January 20th

The Fourth Floor is complete and the Fifth Floor is underway. Completion of the Fifth Floor is expected the end of this week, so there may still be some issues with sound for students studying for Finals. Painters are currently also on site to paint the pipes to match the ceilings.

The sprinkler project should be complete by January 20th.

Wednesday, December 07, 2005


Update: Fifth Floor Replacement Underway

This morning, contractors completed the Fourth Floor and have moved on to the Fifth Floor. Faculty studies on this floor may be unusable for a short period of time on Thursday or Friday of this week.

Tuesday, December 06, 2005


Fifth Floor Replacement will Occur Dec. 12 - 23

Replacement of the sprinkler system on the Fifth Floor will begin on December 12 and not be complete until December 23. That means that contractors will be working on the Fifth Floor during exams. There may be some noise associated with the project and we apologize in advance for any inconvenience this may cause.


Fourth Floor Expected to be Completed Dec. 9

Fourth Floor work continues to progress. Contractors expect to complete the Fourth Floor by the end of this week, December 9.


Sprinkler Replacement Behind Schedule

The Sprinkler Replacement Project is behind schedule and now will not be complete until the middle of January. Updates to follow.

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