Wednesday, September 28, 2005


Sprinkler Demo Begun on Lower Level

This morning, demolition and removal of the old sprinkler system began in the Lower Level of the library. Work will be occuring in the group viewing rooms and near the media carrels. These will be unavailable until work is completed in the area. Please use the viewing equipment still available in the old IMC area on the Second Floor.

Monday, September 26, 2005


Walkway Between Library and Davies to be Blocked

In order to make room for a 30-foot trailer and a dumpster during the sprinkler system replacement, the walkway between Davies and the library will be closed and gated off. Library users approaching from the Phillips lot will need to walk around the back of the library building or enter through Davies Center. The two main entrances to the library will remain open and accessible during construction.


Water to be turned off Tuesday, Sept. 27 a.m.

In order to complete a purge of the existing sprinkler system, the water in the library will be turned off tomorrow at 6am. Water will not be available for about two hours.

Thursday, September 22, 2005


VCRs and CD/Cassette Players Moved

Two VCR/Monitors and one CD/Cassette player were moved to the new IMC.
Headphones are available at that location or a better quality headphone can be checked out at the Circulation Desk. The media carrels on which this equipment is located are on the east side of the new IMC, behind the Videotapes. We hope to move the rest of the media equipment to the IMC later this week. In the meantime, viewing stations are split between the Second Floor and Lower Level locations.

Tuesday, September 20, 2005


Sprinkler System to Be Replaced Starting Monday, Sept. 26

Starting next Monday, September 26, work will begin to replace the sprinkler system throughout the library. The current sprinkler system is susceptible to leaks which could damage collections and systems. Work will begin on the Lower Level and move upward. We anticipate that the project will not be completed until December. During construction some areas of the building and some collections may be unavailable. The library will make every effort to retrieve materials from work areas upon request.

Tuesday, September 06, 2005


Collections, Carpet and Shelving

The IMC is definitely coming together. All the carpeting is installed, as are the shelves. Collections continue to move from the Second floor to the Lower Level. In the image, Director Bob Rose inspects the latest updates.

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