Sunday, October 30, 2005


A-HF Oversize Moved to Lower Level

The Oversize shift is now up to HF! For any Oversize materials with call numbers after HF, look on the Fifth Floor.

Monday, October 24, 2005


Bring in 'Da Noise

Expect a bit more noise than there has been previously. Workers will be cutting pipe on the floor they are working on, and there is a chance the vibration or noise will carry to other floors. We apologize for any onconvenience this may present.


Second Floor Demolition Begins

Today, workers began demo-ing the pipe on the Second Floor. They are currently working on the southwest side of the building, near the current periodicals and paperback collection. Work on the Second Floor is expected to be completed by the middle of next week. If you need materials from an area where work is taking place, please fill out a request form at the Circulation Desk. Requests will be retrieved and you will be notified the same day.

Wednesday, October 19, 2005


A - GN Oversize Moved to Lower Level

Oversize shifting has progressed to GN. All call letters after GN are still on the Fifth Floor.

Tuesday, October 18, 2005


Second Floor Demolition to Begin Later This Week

Demolition of the Second Floor Sprinkler Pipe will begin this week. Areas which may be impacted include the two larger group studies (2020 and 2021) on the North side of the building, as well as the larger computing area there. If areas need to be closed off updates will be posted here. Library staff will retrieve materials from work areas. Simply fill out a request form available at the Circulation Desk.


First Floor Installation Begun

Workers have begun reinstalling the sprikler pipe on the First Floor. They are currently working over the computers on the First Floor. Computers are open and available for use. Please be aware of workers and be careful in work areas. Work on the First Floor is anticipated to be complete by the end of the week.


"Clean and Treat" Process to Begin This Week

As early as today, workers will begin the "clean and treat" process of the pipe on the Lower Level and in the Penthouse (above Fifth Floor). The process will involve using a compressor to pipe an acidic foam into the pipes, which will then be flushed outside into tanks. Workers will then flood the pipes with water with a bacterial treatment additive in it. That will then be flushed. The process should not be very disruptive. You can expect some compressor noise and there may be some odor from the process on the Lower Level or on the Fifth Floor, but the chemicals they are using are natural and safe.


Lower Level Piping Complete

The lower level sprinkler system replacement is complete.

Tuesday, October 11, 2005


A - DU Oversize Moves to Lower Level

The Oversize collection, currently located on the Fifth Floor, is being weeded, shifted and moved to make room for Special Collections. Currently, call letters A - DU have been moved to the Lower Level. All other call letters are still located on the Fifth Floor.

Monday, October 10, 2005


Basement and First Floor Progress

Most of the demolition is complete on the First Floor. Demolition is also complete on the Lower Level and 3/4 of the mains are done. The Lower Level will be completely repiped by the end of this week.

Wednesday, October 05, 2005


First Floor Sprinkler Replacement Update

The removal of pipe from the First Floor is a little over half complete. Installation of the new pipe will not begin until next week.

Monday, October 03, 2005


Pipe Replacement Starts Tonight on First Floor

Starting tonight at 9pm, workers will begin removing sprinkler pipe from the First Floor. The Circulation Desk and public computing areas should not be effected as workers will complete those areas after the library closes at 1am. Expect work to continue between 9pm - 1am at least through this Friday.

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