Monday, November 28, 2005


Oversize Shift up to Q

The shift of Oversize materials from the Fifth Floor to the Lower Level continue to move forward. All materials with call letter before Q can now be found on the Lower Level.


Third Floor Complete

Replacement of sprinler pipe on the Third Floor is complete. That only leaves the Fourth and Fifth to go. The expected completion date of the project is December 19th.


Fourth Floor Demolition Begins

Demolition of the sprinkler pipe began on the South side of the Fourth Floor today. Contractors expect to complete the floor by the middle of next week (December 7th). Aeas effected include faculty studies and public computing areas.

Wednesday, November 02, 2005


Third Floor Replacement to Begin Thursday

Demolition of the Third Floor Sprinkler system will begin tomorrow, Thursday November 3rd. Areas impacted include the Third Floor computer lab and faculty studies. Please be aware the work may be occuring in these areas. The sprinkler replacement on the Second Floor is almost complete and work will finally be complete on the Lower Level, First and Second floors by early next week.

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