Wednesday, February 22, 2006
New Construction Projects Slated for Summer 2006
At the end of the spring semester, construction will begin on our next projects.
- A new instructional lab will be constructed where the Government Publications offices are currently located.
- Government publications staff will relocate to different spots in the library when that occurs.
- Special Collections will have a new area constructed for them on the fifth floor and should be moving in the fall.
- Related to this work, many of the stacks on the fourth and fifth floors will be reconfigured.
- Work will also be done on L2023A-C. A permanent wall will be constructed between B and C and a folding partition providing better sound control will be constructed between A and B. An emergency door will be built between the library and old library, near the entrance to L2023B. Access to B and C will then only be available through the Old Library except when A and B are used simultaneously.
- Finally, the loading dock area will be remodeled.
The entirety of this project is expected to be completed by mid-October, 2006.